This is how a brother narrated his ordeal; ‘I have seen things- plenty things in my life but never a day had my pe**s had this sort of trauma. The tiny brother down below suddenly became my boss. Nay it would not quit standing no matter how hard I tried. Worse my eyes could not stop gawking at his tormentor. The more I stared, the harder it became. If this is what you call temptation, then I am doomed (father forgive me for I have sinned…).’
‘I had to ferret for her name. Beautiful? Nay I doubt but she wreaked sex and that was all that mattered. The man I am, the man I have lost in the presence of eve. No wonder Adam ate the forbidden fruit.’
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‘That night, I got her name. I am a big boy and I know other big boys, that knows big babes that knows her name. Yes, I am influential. But the dilemma … gosh, my wife must not find out.’
‘I lull the name again in my mouth. How sweet it sounds. How sweet she will taste. I remember - I am a born again! I conquered and I’m still standing. I had to resist – the price of entrapment – Bill Clinton is my witness.’
‘Toni Tones. It still sounds sexual. Did I tell you I masturbated that night? Hmmmn.’
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