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8 November 2012

Mitt Romney transition website for election victory uncovered

mitt romney transition website

Mitt Romney really was all ready to go if he'd won the election on Tuesday. At least that explains a draft version of his transition website that was visible to the public on a server belong to the company it, a Utah software shop called Solution Stream. The site, located at romney.solutionstreamcreative.com, was titled: "Mitt Romney Elected the 45th President of The United States of America."
The site opened with a quote from Romney: "I'm excited about our prospects as a nation. My priority it putting people back to work." On the home page was a placeholder link to video of Romney's acceptance speech.
Jason Thelin, one of the owners of SolutionStream, said Wednesday evening that he wasn't sure if he was allowed to talk about the project. But he noted that it had been turned over to the campaign and was "all ready to go." He called it a "tiny" project. "We were able to throw it together in a day and a half," he said of the initial mockup.
Thelin said his company was first contacted by volunteers working on Romney's transition about 10 days before the election.
The "Believe in America" section of the site explained: "President-elect Romney has a vision for an American century and has a strategy to secure our enduring interests and ideals. He believes that liberty, opportunity, and free enterprise have led to prosperity and strength before and will do so again."

mitt romney transition

The subsection on "Restoring America's Leadership" said: "President-elect Romney knows many Americans are asking whether our country today—with our ailing economy, and our massive debt, and after 11 years at war—is still capable of leading. President-elect Romney believes that if America does not lead, others will—others who do not share our interests and our values—and the world will grow darker, for our friends and for us. America’s security and the cause of freedom call for strong leadership. "
The page on "Repealing the Affordable Care Act" declared: "On his first day in office, Mitt Romney will issue an executive order that paves the way for the federal government to issue Affordable Care Act waivers to all 50 states. He will then work with Congress to repeal the full legislation as quickly as possible."
There was a list of nominees -- all blank, except for the position of vice president.
And the "Join the Administration" page warned applicants that "government service is not for everyone."
Not long after HuffPost reached him, the site was no longer publicly available reports Huffington Post.


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